I May Never Come Home!

I May Never Come Home!
No kidding, this is from our apt. window!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Birds! Hula Birds!

No, we did not fly to Hawaii to hula dance... instead, we took a trip up North to the amazing Hula Nature Reserve. It is an amazing place because of all the birds that go there. It is a place where ½ a million birds migrate during the fall season. The birds stop in Israel because Israel is the crossroads for Asia and Europe to Africa.

While me and my dad were there walking through the park full of birds, we see this extraordinary bird. Its whole body was covered in blue. It was the coolest shade of blue that I ever saw!!!!!! The shade of blue was a mixture of turquoise, the ocean on a beautiful day, and silver. It was pretty much an exceptional sapphire color that was shiny. It was truly amazing!

A couple days before that, my mom was driving me to school. The same kind of bird started to fly in front of our car, escorting us to school. I swear on my soul, I felt like I was in a Disney movie. The bird was flying in a straight line in front of our car. I felt like I was Jezell! My whole family started singing in a low voice, tweetle dee: do-do-do-do. Then in a medium pitch, do-do-do-do. And finally in a high voice, do-do-do-do-do.

During the fall season, 500,000 birds from Asia and Europe migrate to Africa to escape the cold of Asia and Europe. On their way, they cross over Israel and stop at the Hula Nature Reserve to rest before taking off again. Once the European and Asian birds are in Africa, the African birds leave. Why? The reason is because the African birds find it too crowded in Africa, and so they leave to go to the Hula Nature Reserve till the birds from Asia and Europe go back to their homes. We went in the fall so we saw mostly Asian and European birds. If we had gone in the winter or spring, we would halve seen mostly African birds.

This park was so fun!!!!!!

I didn't get any photos of birds at Hula, but this is Hula Lake at sunset.

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